A Deviation Into Denim (03.08.14)

So, as you might know, I have never been the one who’s been prone to the denim side of menswear. Even though I’ve always felt more comfortable in a suit and tie, sometimes curiosity kills the cat and here I am. My friend recently visited, and when we were walking around he said he wanted to shoot by the LEVI’s store. In needing some jeans for work, he went on in and, when curiosity finally caught the better of me, I become a shopper as well. No, these aren’t premium Japanese selvedge denim. They are simple 501’s and, to be honest, I love them. After the weather had slightly warmed on Thursday, the early morning lows of Friday caught the better of me and it was off to the races. In a moment of complete want for comfort and warmth, I threw this get-up together and never looked back. In combining the denim with camp socks, desert boots and my Pendleton, I was warm, happy and comfortable.

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SOcks- L. L. Bean // Flannel- Pendleton (thrifted) // Jeans- LEVI’s 501 // Boots- Clark’s // Laces- hook & ALBERT // Watch- Timex // Rope- Kiel James Patrick //

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